Binding Made Easy
Next time you need to bind, you're going to say, "Bring it on!"
A new class is on its way!
Binding can sometimes be a daunting task when it comes to finally completing that quilt. But it doesn't have to be! Join Kris as she shares with you her tips and tricks for getting the perfect binding for every project!
From curves, to bias, from machine to hand, we'll cover it all!
Not all projects are created equal. Straight of grain or bias? What are the tricks to getting the binding to meet at the ends? How do I miter a corner? How do I bind a scalloped border? What about a circular project? Should I bind by machine or by hand? All of these questions and more will be answered!
Kris Thurgood
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Straight Grain or Bias?
Binding Curves
Common Mistakes
Tips and Tricks
Joining Ends of Binding
Fun Finishes
Regular Price
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